Saturday, December 4, 2010

Heathrow Again

Funny, on the heels of describing the excellent Heathrow rest room facilities, and musing on my daughter returning to University College London for graduate school, I came across this youtube that put a smile on my face and brought tears to my eyes.  Yes, I can be very sentimental about the power of music in an environment where it is least expected and all the more needed! One more reason why I need to return to voice lessons so that I can sing that aria when the time is right. 

London is filled with these sorts of musical experiences, which is one of the reasons that I love that city so much!  Well...that and the richness in visual art; the beautiful architecture; the dry sense of humor of so many Londoners; the food (which is good now, thank God); the history; the culture; the fashion; the spontaneity; the "happenings" such as this one on could go on and on and on; I never tire of London!

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